
A DVD review from The Movie Snob.

Whiteout  (D).  This 2009 turkey stars the lovely Kate Beckinsale, who has been in more bad movies than I can easily shake a stick at.  (The Underworld movies, the recent remake of Total Recall, and Serendipity come readily to mind.)  Early in her career, when she was appearing in films like Much Ado About Nothing and The Last Days of Disco, I thought she was a talented actress, but I possibly could have been deceived by her good looks and British accent.  Anyway, this is another embarrassment to add to her collection, an amateurish murder mystery set in the exotic locale of Antarctica.  Nothing stands out in the memory except the entirely gratuitous scene near the beginning in which Ms. Beckinsale starts out in full Eskimo gear and strips down to her undies in order to take a shower.   Considering she must weigh about 80 pounds, it’s hard to take her too seriously as the U.S. Marshal tasked with solving the murder . . . before becoming a victim herself!  Director Dominic Cera also directed the lame action flick Swordfish, so I can’t say I was really surprised at how bad this one was.  Tom Skerritt (Alien) costars.